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Rainstrasse 4a

D-79297 Winden im Elztal


USt.ID: DE210584789


Management: Dieter Perin




mobile: +49 (0) 177 507 508 9

Tel: +49 (0) 7685 - 1650


By decision of 12 May 1998 the regional court Hamburg decided that one has to take responsibility for the contents of the linked page by the inclusion of a link on his page. This is not the case when one dissociates expressly from the contents of the linked pages. All of our linked sites were visited by us. As the Internet and its contents are subject to constant change, we can not take any responsibility for the content of these pages. This statement applies to all links on our pages which do not refer to one of our own pages (= external links). If we receive information that contents violate the law, these links will be removed immediately. All texts have been carefully reviewed and updated periodically. A guarantee for completeness, accuracy and up-to-datedness can not be taken on the publisher. We use Google Analytics!


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